Despite the challenges presented by the City of Denver’s 2024 budget reductions, Civic Center Conservancy will move forward with planting and maintaining flower beds in Civic Center Park this summer, with the support of the community.
“Our work as an organization has always been to create a beautiful, welcoming space in the heart of Denver,” said Eric Lazzari, executive director of Civic Center Conservancy. “Maintaining the flower beds in Civic Center Park is not just about aesthetics — it’s about safety and belonging. We’re committed to shouldering the financial burden of upkeep for the park’s flowers this summer with the help of our community.”
Civic Center Conservancy is inviting the community to help champion this iconic space by donating or volunteering their time with a day in the dirt. It hopes to raise $25,000 to help cover additional costs of this stewardship throughout the summer. It will also offer volunteer opportunities through its Civic Center SPARKLES volunteer program for community members who want to help.“We know that efforts like this aren’t an option for all of Denver’s parks. The only reason this is possible in Civic Center is because Civic Center has a nonprofit dedicated to helping meet its needs and because of our longstanding unique partnership with the Denver Parks and Recreation ,” said Lazzari.
Civic Center Conservancy, in partnership with the Denver Parks and Recreation, has made tremendous strides to improve the park experience over the past few years and wants to continue the sense of safety achieved through a well-kept park.