Civic Center EATS
2025 Vendor Application

Thanks for your interest in being a 2025 vendor at Civic Center EATS! Please carefully review the application criteria and complete the following form in order to be considered for this year’s lineup. Applications must be submitted in their entirety to be considered.

¡Gracias por su interés en ser proveedor de 2025 en Civic Center EATS! Complete la siguiente información para ser considerado para la alineación de este año. Las solicitudes deben presentarse en su totalidad para ser consideradas.

Applications will be evaluated based upon the following criteria: 
Las solicitudes serán evaluadas en función de los siguientes criterios:

Permit Compliance/ Cumplimiento de permisos:
Demonstrated compliance with all necessary permits for operating a mobile food facility, including current and valid licenses for a Mobile Retail Food Truck, Trailer, or Car, within the City and County of Denver.
Cumplimiento demostrado con todos los permisos necesarios para operar un establecimiento de alimentos móvil, incluidas licencias actuales y válidas para un camión, remolque o automóvil de alimentos minoristas móvil.

Vendors selected to be part of Civic Center EATS in 2025 must submit the following documents as part of their acceptance process. You are not being asked to submit them now. 
Los vendedores seleccionados para formar parte de Civic Center EATS en 2025 deben presentar los siguientes documentos como parte de su proceso de aceptación. No se les está solicitando que los envíen en este momento.

  • A Copy of your Business Professional License from the City & County of Denver.
    Una copia de su Licencia Profesional Comercial de la Ciudad y Condado de Denver
  • A copy of your States Sales Tax License.
    Una copia de su Licencia de Impuesto sobre Ventas del Estado.
  • A copy of your Denver Sales Tax License.
    Una copia de su Licencia de Impuesto sobre Ventas de Denver.
  • A Certificate of Insurance (COI) including the following language in the additional remarks: ”Civic Center Conservancy, its officers, directors, employees, and volunteers and the City and County of Denver, its elected and appointed officials, employees, and volunteers, are additional insured”. Your insurance provider should be able to provide this for you.
    Un certificado de seguro que incluya el siguiente lenguaje en las observaciones adicionales: “Civic Center Conservancy, its officers, directors, employees, and volunteers and the City and County of Denver, its elected and appointed officials, employees, and volunteers as additional insured”. Su proveedor de seguros debería poder proporcionarle esto.

Attendance Reliability/Fiabilidad de asistencia:
Proven reliability in attending previous Civic Center EATS and other events.
Fiabilidad probada al asistir a eventos anteriores de Civic Center EATS y otros eventos similares.

Mobile Presentation / Presentación móvil:
We prioritize visually appealing and self-contained mobile food facilities, including food trucks and trailers.
Damos prioridad a instalaciones de alimentos móviles visualmente atractivas y autosuficientes, incluidos camiones de alimentos y remolques.

  • You will be required to provide at least three (3) high-quality photos of your products and at least one (1) photo of the exterior of your food truck or trailer.
    Tres fotos de alta calidad de sus productos: las usaremos para promocionarlo durante la temporada.

Sales Success / Éxito de ventas:
Demonstrated quality and demand, evidenced by sales volume at previous Civic Center EATS or similar events. 
Calidad y demanda demostradas, evidenciadas por el volumen de ventas en eventos anteriores de Civic Center EATS o eventos similares.

Social Media Presence / Presencia en redes sociales:
A substantial social media fan base with a demonstrated ability and willingness to market and promote. 
Una base de fanáticos sustancial en las redes sociales con una capacidad y disposición demostradas para comercializar y promover.

Commitment to Sustainability / Compromiso de cumplimiento:
All vendors participating in Civic Center EATS are expected to adhere to eco-friendly practices and prohibited from serving single-use plastics (such as disposable water bottles, utensils, and cups). All serve-ware (including cutlery, sauce ramekins, carry-out bags, etc) must be either recyclable with Denver’s recycling program or compostable (CMA-certified only). Vendors will be required to sign a sustainability agreement before participating in the 2025 season of EATS, and compliance will be monitored onsite at EATS throughout the season.
Cumplimiento demostrado, o disposición para cumplir, con las reglas, políticas y procedimientos de Civic Center EATS, incluido nuestro Programa de Residuos Cero.

Event Harmony / Armonía del evento:
Consistency with the established feel, brand, and history of the event.  
Coherencia con la sensación, marca e historia establecidas del evento.

We will begin reviewing applications in early March and may continue to review incoming applications on a rolling basis depending on availability.
Comenzaremos a revisar las solicitudes a principios de marzo y es posible que sigamos revisando las solicitudes entrantes de forma continua, dependiendo de la disponibilidad.

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